IC²S² 2021 – Call for Proposals

The IC²S² advisory board requests proposals for hosting the 7th International Conference on Computational Social Science, IC²S² 2021.

We will consider proposals from all locations. However, in keeping with our tradition thus far of alternating conferences between the US and Europe, we are primarily interested in proposals from European institutions.

In completing proposals please follow the proposal template, answering all questions to the extent possible.
If some details remain undetermined by the submission deadline please note when they are likely to become available.

In order to maintain the open and inclusive character of CSS, it is critical that the organizing committee, program committee, and invited speakers are diverse with respect to: (i) academic disciplines (esp. computational vs. social sciences); (ii) methodological approaches; (iii) home institution (esp. US vs. Europe, academic vs. industry); and (iv) demographic attributes (esp. gender, age, race, ethnicity). Balancing all these dimensions is challenging but organizers are encouraged to explain their choices with respect to these and other diversity considerations.

Completed proposals, along with any questions, should be sent via email to Duncan Watts, University of Pennsylvania (djwatts@seas.upenn.edu) by 10 Feb 2020.

Please include the keyword #IC2S2_2021 in the subject line of all email correspondence.