Author/presenter information
This page provides information for authors of accepted contributions (papers and posters).
Likely, the page with Presenter/chair information presents currently relevant information on posters, presentations, etc.
Proceedings / book of abstracts
As stated in the call for papers, IC2S2 does not have published proceedings. We will gather contributions from the Easychair system on May 15, 2019 in order to assemble a digital book of abstracts in the IC2S2 2019 program app.
Per contribution, one author is expected to register for the main conference before June 15, which is a strict deadline. When registering, remember to insert your Easychair paper ID.
Camera-ready version
Until May 15, authors can make small changes to their submission based on reviewer comments. In particular, authors are requested to insert their author names and affiliation in the extended abstract. Any format for the affiliation is OK, as long as the name of the organization (university, typically) is present. Sending in the updated extended abstract can be done by uploading a new version via “Update file” in the EasyChair system:
Changes to other fields (authors, title, etc.) done through the Easychair system will not be processed. If such changes are deemed necessary, you can request this by sending an e-mail to the program chairs ( with a clear explanation of why the change is necessary.
Please stick to the 2-page limit requested in the CfP. This limit is however now excluding references to accomodate the insertion of author names and affiliations.
Changes to the program
If you want to make any changes to the program such as a change in the names of authors, change of the main author, change in timings or cancellations, you can propose this by using this template and send an e-mail to the program chairs at
Deadline for changes to the program: May 15, 2019.
Should you really not be able to present your work and also really cannot send a colleague to replace you, then please let us know before May 15, 2019 so that we can remove you from the program, ensuring there are no gaps in the final program.